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發表於 2018-6-1 19:43:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

  Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has been investigating and punishing the illegal and unlawful practice of vilifying heroes and martyrs, and has severely dealt with Internet cultural products that distorted, defaced, defamed, and denied heroic deeds and spiritual content.
  At present, all major Internet cultural organizations have launched a total of more than 60,000 videos of suspected violations, cleared more than 17,鐵門,000 related information,南港春藥專賣店, and disposed of 8030 illegal accounts. The responsible person of the Cultural Market Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated that the website for the production of illegal internet cultural products and the platform website that does not implement the responsibilities of the main body of the self-examination subject should be swiftly investigated and punished according to law. If the circumstances are serious, they are blacklisted on the cultural market according to law. The implementation of the industry-wide credit disciplinary.
  為了幫助大傢壆習英語,新東方在線小編特為大傢准備了雙語閱讀係列之“暴漫”和“今日頭條”因丑化英雄烈士被查處(雙語),多多閱讀對於提高英語水平是至關重要的,更多英語壆習資料懽迎大傢隨時關注英語壆習網http: english koolearn com
  The Ministry of Culture and Tourism requires all units to take seriously the cultural products involving heroic deeds and spirits. It requires all units to always respect and remember the sacrifices and contributions made by the heroic martyr for the country, the people, and the nation. They are advocating heroes, defending heroes, learning heroes and caring. Heroes, comprehensively strengthen the protection of heroes and martyrs, and promote the core values of socialism.
  According to the investigation, "Runaway Comics" through the "Today's Headlines" platform publishes videos containing uglified evildoers Dong Cunrui's martyrs and Yeh's martyrs' work "The Prisoner Song". Through its self-operated website, it provides uglified spoofs. Dong Cunrui's online animation product, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Instructing the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and the Xi’an Cultural, Radio, Film and Television Press and Publication Bureau to initiate and investigate the cases in accordance with the law will impose administrative penalties from the speedy and heavy emphasis. The "Today's Headlines" platform has not fulfilled its main responsibilities, and it has disseminated videos containing vilified spoof heroes and martyrs. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism instructed the Beijing Cultural Market Administrative Law Enforcement Corps to initiate investigations according to law.

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