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2022 年中考的备考大战已打响,而制订一份温習規劃可讓本身在将来的温習進程中更對症下药。












my dad is a patient, loving and giving person but his kind spirit that real財神娛樂城,ly touched me was one night as we were driving home after visiting my grandmother.

pulling up at a small crossing, we saw a car stopped in the (81) m_______ of the road. an older lady was talking on her phone and staring up at a street sign, clearly trying to work out where she was. she came back to her car, looking more (82) u_______. dad watched her out of his rear-view (後視) mirror before pulling over to see if he could help. as he stood at her window and asked if she was ok, she broke down in tears, explaining she had lost her way.

it turned out she was a caregiver (顾問者) and was (83) t_______ to find the house of the client she was meant to be hel日本減肥食品,ping that night. when she showed dad the address she was meant to be at. dad handed her his (84) b_______ card and told her to follow him, and to call him on the number on the card if she lost us in (85) t_______.

my dad drove to the address, only a suburb or two out of our way, and found the house for her. the look of thankfulness on her face was reward enough for dad.

the next morning as dad was driving me to school his phone rang. it was the lady he'd helped the night (86) b_______, calling him to thank him again for his kind deed. i don't think i’ve ever been so (87) p_______ to be his daughter.

81.  middle:in the middle of the road 停在马路正中心

82. upset:look這里為系動词,後+adj.,由于密斯看上去很哀痛,以是這里只能用upset。

83. trying/told:be動词後+ing/ed,那末這里trying和told均可以,别離诠释為她正在試圖找到她當晚要帮忙的客户的屋子或是她被告诉要去寻腳癢止癢藥膏,觅屋子。

84. business:business card 咭片

85. traffic:若是她在車流當中没法找到咱们,以是可以填入traffic。

86. before:因為不缺失成份,這里可以填入一個副词,連系上文,這位密斯是他昨晚帮忙過的,以是填入before。必要注重的是before放在句尾,時態為曩昔完成式,暗示在曩昔某個時候以前。

87. proud:我從未如斯骄傲可以成為他的女兒。



graham was one of the wisest friends of mine. once i complained to him that i cycled two miles from my house to the town center but (81) u________ there was a big hill on the way. to my surprise, he replied that i should feel lucky and be glad of the (82) e________ exercise the hill provided.

his words shocked me. so almost all of a sudden, my attitude to the hill (83) c________. the next time when i got close to it, instead of complaining as usual, i told myself that this hill would help me to keep fit. and the (84) r________ was that i found the way up the hill was much easier than i had expected-it cost me 歐冠杯下注,nothing but some energy and sweat(汗).

several days later, i happened to read an article about pilot douglas bader. in 1931 both of his legs were lost in a flying (85) a________, but he decided to fly again and he became an excellent pilot and the only pilot that had no legs. he said,” don’t tell yourself that things are too difficul泡沫面膜,t or (86) i________.make up your mind and then try your best and then you can achieve your goal”.

i think the two cases bring the same message: we cannot (87) a________ difficulties in life, but we can choose our attitude towards them-to face them or to run away from them. and some difficulties, actually, are not as great as they seem to be.

81.  unluckily:這里填入副词,我在骑車到城镇中間的時辰碰到了一個山坡,是很是不幸的,以是用unluckily,固然用unfortunately也是可以的。

82. extra:這個大山坡给我带来了分外的熬炼,用extra。

83. changed:他的话震動到了我,以是我的立场也随之扭轉了,注重時態為曩昔式。

84. result:這里是一個因果瓜葛迁移轉變,那末就用result。

85. accident:他在一场飞翔變乱中落空了他的腿。

86. impossible:or先後毗連不异词性,填入adj.,暗示不要奉告你本身這些事變是坚苦的且不成能完成的。

87. avoid:咱们没法在糊口中防止坚苦。



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