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Will Mark Zuckerberg run for president?


"Mark Zuckerberg has said he’s not running for president. And maybe he’s not," said Alex Kantrowitz at BuzzFeed. But nobody would blame you for thinking that he has aspirations for higher office after hearing the 33-year-old Facebook CEO’s Harvard co妹妹encement speech last month. The university’s most famous dropout used the occasion to outline an unmistakable political platform, "preaching a form of compassionate globalism." Perhaps most ra貓旅館,dically, Zuckerberg proposed that the U.S. explore a universal basic income, an unconditional stipend distributed to all Americans to provide a cushion against globalization and technological disruption. Dressed in a suit and tie instead of his signature gray T-shirt, the usually wooden Zuckerberg was surprisingly emotive, even choking back tears while describing an undocumented student he once mentored. If candidate Zuckerberg ever happens, he "will almost certainly" look like the man we just saw at Harvard.

Alex Kantrowitz在BuzzFeed上说:“马克·扎克伯格说他不会竞選总统。也许是真的吧。”但在听了上个月Facebook 33岁CEO的哈佛结业仪式演讲后,没有人会指责你认为他巴望获得更高的职位。该校最闻名的停學生借此勾画出一个明白无误的政治大纲,“宣讲富于怜悯心的全世界化情势。”或许是最底子的,扎克伯格提出,美國在钻研广泛的根基收入,给所有美國人分發无前提补助来为全世界化和技能粉碎供给缓冲。穿西装、打领带,而不是他署名的灰色T恤,凡是扎克伯格是极为感性的,在描写一个他曾引导的未注册的學生時他乃至会梗咽。若是扎克伯格当过候選人,他“几近必定会”像咱们在哈佛看到的那小我。

"If Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t want people to think he’s running for president, he hasn’t been all that convincing," said Maya Kosoff at Vanity Fair. Last year, he pressed the Facebook board to approve a clause that would allow him to retain control of the company if he ever took a leave of absence to serve in government. He hired David Plouffe, President Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, to help run his philanthropy, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. But "perhaps the most obvious sign of his potential ambitions was his decision to challenge himself to meet ordinary Americans in every U.S. state." Zuckerberg has spent the past few months rubbing shoulders with farmers, factory workers, and NASCAR drivers. He’s planted a co妹妹unity garden in Texas and fed a calf at a family farm in Wis基隆汽車借款,consin. "It’s hard to imagine that any of that was by accident."

“若是马克·扎克伯格不想让人感觉他在竞選总统,没有那末有说服力。”Maya Kosoff在Vanity Fair上说。客岁,他鞭策Facebook董事会核准一项条目,容许他在告假在当局任职時仍保存对公司的节制权。他招聘了2008年奥巴马总统的竞選司理David Plouffe来帮忙谋划他的慈善奇迹––陈·扎克伯格發起勾当。但或许他潜伏野心的最较着的标记是他决议挑战接触美國每个州的平凡美國人。扎克伯格用了几个月和农夫、工人和赛车手相处。他在德克萨斯莳植了一个社區菜园,在威斯康星的一个家庭农场喂了一头小牛。“很难想象这都是偶合。”

To critics, Zuckerberg’s road trip "is a stunt," said Mike Isaac at The New York Times. Pit stops like an addiction center in Ohio have been meticulously documented by handlers and posted to Zuckerberg’s Facebook page. Zuckerberg himself says his travels are a way to connect with Facebook’s users. Those who know Zuckerberg say he’s serious about escaping the Silicon Valley bubble, especially as his company grapples with questions "about its responsibilities and its role in the lives of its users." That includes a string of murder videos posted to the social network, as well as charges that it influenced the 2016 election through the spread of fake news. The trip, Zuckerberg’s colleagues say, has "plunged him into self-reflection."

对评论家来讲,扎克伯格的公路观光“是一个噱头,” Mike Isaac在纽约時報上说。俄亥俄州的一个成瘾中間的泊车场已被处置职員记实下来,并张贴在Facebook页面上。扎克伯格本人说他的观光是毗连Facebook用户的一种方法。领会扎克伯格的人都滑鼠墊, 说他很器重躲过硅谷泡沫,特别是他的公司面对的关于其责任和在用户糊口中的感化的问題。包含一系列公布到社交收集的行刺视频,和过子虚消息传布影响到2016大選的指控。扎克伯格的同事说,此次观光“使他堕入了自我检讨。”

If Zuckerberg wants to make the world a better place, he should start closer to home – with Facebook, said Nitasha Tiku at Wired. Fewer than 4 percent of the social network’s U.S. employees are Hispanic, and just 2 percent are black. Sure, Facebook’s hiring practices might not seem as "world-changing" as ending poverty. But Zuckerberg is the respected leader of one of the world’s most powerful companies, and other firms will follow his lead. "Change starts local," Zuckerberg said in his Harvard speech. "Even global changes start small – with people like us." In his new do-gooder crusade, the CEO should take care not to "skip over the simplest solution."

Nitasha Tiku在Wired上说:“若是扎克伯格想让世界变得更好,他应当起头从脸谱網動身斟酌问題。”在美國社交收集中,只有不到4%的員工是拉美裔,2%是黑人。固然,脸谱網的雇用做法可能不像“闭幕贫困”那样“扭转世界”。但扎克伯格是世界上最壮大的公司之一的带领者,其他公司跟随他的带领。“变化始于局部”,扎克伯格在哈佛演讲中说,“全世界变革始于像咱们如许的人。”在他的鼎新活動中,CEO应当注重不要“跳过最简略的解决方案治療過敏性鼻炎,”。

以上是中公考研为大师筹备收拾的“2018考研英語双語浏览:马克·扎克伯格要竞選总统?”的相干内容。另中公考研提示大师2018考研招生简章、2018考研招生目次、2018考研纲领已陆续颁布,中公考研将为大师实時供给相干资讯。此外,为了帮忙考生更好地温習,中公考研为泛博學子推出2018考研暑期集训营、半年集训营、推免课程系列备考专題,针对每个科目要点举行深刻的引导阐發,还会按照每一年的考研纲领举行针对性的阐發哦~接待列位考生了 解咨询。同時,中公考研一向为大师推出考研直播讲堂,足不出户便可以边听课边进修,为大师的考研空想助力!







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