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發表於 2018-9-28 17:53:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The house was in an uproar, with babies crying and people shouting. 房子裏有嬰兒在哭,還有人在大叫,一片嘈雜。

hotel都知道,但是hostel你知道麼? /'h?stl,ˋhɑst?/
The Zengs, a family of three, had arrived at a hostel in Stockholm around midnight, hours before their booking. They were allowed to wait in the lobby until the staff ordered them to leave and police forcibly ejected them.

“完全揹離了媒體職業道德”以衛報(The Guardian)為代表的多傢媒體都譯為:completely deviating from professional media ethics.

其中的violation“違揹,違反”,如:違反國際法 a violation of international law.
The Guardian

The ministry said it and the Chinese embassy in Stockholm had already made “solemn representations and strong protests” to Sweden.


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均將其譯為:It is a serious violation of media professional ethics .

prejudice /?pr?d??d?s/ 表示“偏見,成見,歧視”,英文解釋為:Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things, or a preference for one group of people or things over another. 簡·奧斯汀的經典名著《傲慢與偏見》英文名就叫「Pride and Prejudice」
solemn“嚴肅的,莊重的”,跟serious比較接近,英文解釋為very serious and not happy, for example because something bad has happened or because you are at an important occasion;


文化沖突 Cultural conflict is a type of conflict that occurs when different cultural values and beliefs clash. It has been used to explain violence and crime. (維基百科)

「瑞典電視台辱華事件」盤點外媒報道的相關表達 2018-09-25 20:24 來源earnAndRecord 閱讀 /名著 /使館

hostel表示〔提供廉價食宿的〕“旅捨,招待所”,英文解釋為“a place where people can stay and eat fairly cheaply”,如:

satire 用作名詞,表示“諷刺,譏諷”,英文解釋為“a way of criticizing something such as a group of people or a system, in which you deliberately make them seem funny so that people will see their faults.”

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culture clash/ cultural conflict
The television episode sparked uproar on Chinese social media and an unusually strong response from Beijing.
中國外交部和駐瑞典使館已經分別在北京和斯德哥尒摩向瑞方提出嚴正交涉和強烈抗議。The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Sweden have lodged stern representations and strong protest with the Swedish side in Beijing and in Stockholm respectively. (外交部)
其形容詞satirical,表示“諷刺性的;譏諷的;愛挖瘔人的”,英文解釋為“A satirical drawing, piece of writing, or comedy show is one in which humour or exaggeration is used to criticize something.”

spark uproar
衛報(The Guardian)譯法:made solemn representations and strong protests,汽機車借款,同樣對比外交部
Beijing protests Swedish TV satire about Chinese tourists


譯文: lodge stern representations and strong protest,

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表示“喧囂;吵鬧;騷動,怨憤”,英文解釋為“a lot of noise or angry protest about something”,spark uproar 一片嘩然,引起軒然大波

provocation 就是由動詞provoke“激起,引起”變化而來,表示“激怒;挑釁;挑釁性事件”,英文解釋為“If you describe a person's action as provocation or a provocation, you mean that it is a reason for someone else to react angrily, violently, or emotionally.”
In response, SVT entertainment chief Thomas Hall said: “I think it is so apparent that this is comedy, assuming that you know Swedish. But at the same time I understand that if you don't know Swedish it is possible to misunderstand.”
Bizarre video footage posted online shows police carrying the group outside,淡水當舖, while the son yells in English: “This is killing. This is killing.” Another clip shows the three lying on the ground crying loudly while the mother wails in Chinese: “Save me.”

satire &amp,wii遊戲片專賣店; satirical

文化沖擊 Culture shock is an experience a person may have when one moves to a cultural environment which is different from one's own. (維基百科)

“The [Svenska Nyheter] anchor's remarks are full of discrimination, prejudice and provocation against China and other ethnic groups, completely deviating from professional media ethics,” said Geng Shuang, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry in a statement on Monday. “We strongly condemn this.”
聲明:該文觀點僅代表作者本人,搜狐號係信息發佈平台,搜狐僅提供信息存儲空間服務。 閱讀 () 投訴
a youth hostel 青年旅捨
其中的deviate意思是“揹離,偏離,違揹”,英文解釋為“to change what you are doing so that you are not following an expected plan, idea, or type of behaviour”,通常用法是deviate from ...,如:飛機偏離正常航線 deviate from its normal flight path

China has complained to Sweden over a satirical news show on Swedish state television that advised Chinese tourists how to avoid culture clashes in a way that Beijing said insulted the Chinese people.
stern“嚴格的,苛刻的”,則和strict近義,英文解釋為“serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone’s behaviour”。
prejudice & provocation
也可以指“(流浪者等的)過夜住宿處”,英文解釋:a building providing overnight accommodation, as for the homeless, etc.
中國游客瑞典遭粗暴對待 輿論兩極分化

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