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II. 常识應用 (两部門, 共20小題,计20分)
A) 单項填空(共10小題,计10分)
()2一、This is a picture of       family.
A. JimB. Jim’sC. Jims ’
()2二、Her birthday is       February.
A. inB. onC. at ()2三、 What color       your shoes?
A. is, It’s B. is, Is C. are, They’降糖貼,re
()24 Let’s go       soccer ball with the boys.
That sounds great.
A. to playing B. and playing C. and play
()2五、We need a lot of       every day.
A. vegetables B. meatsC. broccolis ()2六、       are the pants?
They’re 50 dollars.
A. HowB. How muchC. Where ()2七、He likes       but he doesn’t like       .
A. ice creams, banana B. bananas, apple C.. bananas, apples
()2八、The baby is only ten       .
A. month oldB. months years old C. months old ()2九、 Look! Some broccoli       in the box. Some apples       in the bag.
A. are, areB. is, isC.. is, are
()30、       “f” and       “u” are in the word “fun”.
A. An, a B. An, an C. A, a

B) 完形填空(10小題, 共10分)

Dear Annie,
Thank you for your letter.I'm glad you like your school.
I go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four   31    in the morning and two in the afternoon.We have   32    to do after class.   33    Monday and Thursday afternoon we34   sports.On Tuesday afternoon35    of us have   36    singing class.And on Thursday afternoon some have a   37    class.On Friday afternoon we practice(操练)   38    English.My Chinese friends would like   39    with me in English.They think I am like an English teacher.Isn't it great?
On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school.Very often I go to the parks and have a good time   40    my family there

()31.A.classes B.lesson C.class ()32.A.anything B.any thingsC. many things
()33.A運彩好朋友,.To B.In C.On ()34.A.has B.have C.having ()35.A.any C.some ()36.A.a C.the ()37.A.draw B.drawsC. drawing
()38.A.speak B.speaks C.speaking () talk ()

III.浏览技術 (共20小題,计40分)
A) 浏览漫笔,果断正误。(5小題,计10分)
My name is Li Hong. I study at No.6 Middle School. At school I have a friend. His name is Jim. We get up at six in the morning. We go school at seven ten. Classes begin at seven thirty. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. After school we play games. We often play football. We go home at about five. We do our homework in the evening. We go to bed(上床睡觉)at about nine fifty.
()41. Li Hong and Jim are friends.
()42. They get up at seven o’clock in the morning.
()43. They have sev減內臟脂肪,en lessons every day(天天).
()44. They often play games after school.
()45. They go to bed at 9:40 in the evening

B) 浏览漫笔,選擇最好谜底(共5小題,计10分)。
In many English homes, people eat four meals (餐)a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning .They eat porridge(粥), eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock.. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven.. First they have soup , then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple(简略).
( )46.Many English people have       meals a day.
A. two B. three C. four ( )47.People may have       for their breakfast according to the passage(按照漫笔).
A. tea and eggs B. hamburgers and tea C. coffee and salad ( )48.People have lunch at       .
A. any timeB. nine C.. one
( )49. People don’t have       for their dinner.
A. bananas and applesB. soup and meatC.. porridge
( )50.Most Englishmen(英國人) have dinner       .
A. at oneB. at any time C.. in the evening

C) 摘录信息,浏览漫笔, 然後完成内容擇要。(共5小題,计10分)
My name is Linda Brown. I’m 14 years old. I am an American girl. I have two brothers, Sam and Mike. I often play tennis on weekends. It’s my favorite sport. I enjoy music at school. It’s very interesting. My favorite movie is WHO AM I? It’s an action movie. Do you know it?
Please write and tell me about yourself.

D) 答复問題 浏览漫笔,然後按照漫笔内容扼要答复問題(共5小題,计10分)
Sam likes eating fish (鱼)very much. He ofte膝蓋貼布,n buys fish in the shop and takes them home. One day his wife(老婆) sees the fish and thinks(想), “Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much. ”
  When Sam comes home from work in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife says, “Oh, your cat eats it. ”And then she gives(给) him some bread for his supper. Sam is angry(朝气). He takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs(称)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. The cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see, then, where is my fish? ”
  56.What does Sam like eating very much? 57.Who eat the fish that day? 58.How mu防癌水果,ch does the fish weigh? 59.What does Sam’s wife give him for supper? 60. How much does the cat weigh? .
IV. 写作技術 (两部門,总计20分)
A)完成對话 通读對话,按照上下文补全對话。(共5小題,计5分)
W: 61 ? M:Yes,she is my friend. W: 62                     ?

M: Her name is Gina.. W: 63                     ?

M: She is 13 yeas old. W: 64                     ?

M: Yes,she likes English very much
W: Is this her red book?? M: 65         ,her book is blue.


21-25 BACCA26-30 BCCCA31-35 ACCBC 36-40 ACCCB

41-45. TFFTF 46-50 CACCC

5一、Linda Brown 5二、fourteen years old 5三、English 5四、music5五、WHO AM I ? 56.Fish.
57.Sam’s wife and her friends.
58.One kilo.
59.Some bread.
60.One kilo.

写作技術(A)完成對话 61. Is she your friend?
62. What’s her name? 63. How old is she? 64. Do糖尿病磁療,es she like English? 65.No

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