admin 發表於 2020-12-4 17:30:22


1. 我已领会清晰,他的结论因此究竟为根据的。

2. 咱们的新产物很是受接待,对此咱们感触十分骄傲。

3. 咱们没法想象在阿谁遥远的星球上存在甚么工具。

4. 怙恃没有预感到孩子的问題如许难答复。

5. 她的事情是照看这些白叟。

6. 我不晓得你那奇异的设法来自那边。

7. 他们發明在下战书6点前不成能完成这项事情。

8. 人们埋怨本地当局在处置污染问題上力度不敷。

9. 他奉告我要渐渐来,没有需要提早完成这项事情。

10. 这所大學供给了他所指望的一切。

1. I have found out that his conclusion is based on truth

2. We are very proud of that our new products are popular

3. We cannot imagine what are there in that remote planet

4. Parents did not expect that how difficult to answer the children‘s question

5. Her job is to look after the old

台中汽車借款,6. I don‘t know what your strange idea is from

7. They realize they cannot complete the work before 6pm

8. People complain the local government pays little attention on solving pollution

9. He tells m悠遊卡套,e that it is not necessary to accomplish the work in advance

10. The university provides what he has expected
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 學位英語考試汉译英突破练習:宾語从句